by Gary Billups | Jun 30, 2015 | Technical
My grandfather used to say “A penny saved is a penny earned.” In the rice milling industry, we could incorporate that philosophy into a new mantra of “A rice kernel saved is a penny earned.” Milling rice inconsistently could equate to a lower...
by Gary Billups | Jun 24, 2015 | Rice Milling Equipment, Zaccaria Installations
Wynne Rice Mill Installation: ZaccariaUSA’s project in Wynne, AR is coming along nicely. You can see images of the plant here: Zaccaria ZX-50 Rice Mill Project. The plant decided to install a 2-tier design, which will allow for several of the rice milling...
by Gary Billups | Jun 17, 2015 | Employee
Newest Member Team ZaccariaUSA: ZaccariaUSA realizes that every Rice Milling project is unique. Questions that exist for every new endeavor include: how many tons of paddy rice per hour do I want to mill? How many elevators do I need? Am I going to mill white...
by Gary Billups | Jun 17, 2015 | Rice Milling Equipment
ZaccariaUSA is having great success helping rice farmers build successful rice mills all across the world. Building a rice mill is no easy feat and, depending on your milling goals, could be quite the undertaking. Other than the normal questions about building a...