
Seed Conditioning, Volume 1: Management: A practical advanced-level guide
Seed conditioning turns raw harvested seed into pure seed that is free of undesirable materials, safe from pests and diseases, and that which can be planted for a good stand of healthy plants of the desired crop. The cost of conditioning is a major component of the capital investment. Conditioning is the most significant process in the seed industry. It involves machines, engineering, operations, biology, physics, plant physiology and pathology, science, and business. It must be accurate…read more
Seed Conditioning, Volume 2: Technology--Parts A & B
Seed conditioning removes undesirable material including debris and stray seeds from selected raw harvested seed, so as to create planting seed that delivers high yielding crops. This two-volume set provides a major up-date of previously published work. It describes the essential information needed to understand this process and the machinery involved. It describes the machines available to seed conditioners and explains how they can be installed, operated, adjusted, and maintained to give…read more
Seed Conditioning, Volume 3: Crop Seed Conditioning
Little public information exists on the physical properties and conditioning requirements of seed. For many crop seeds, the only information that exists is in companies who produce, clean, and handle seed. This manual provides as much available information as possible, assisting those already in the business as well as newcomers to the field. The book presents the physical characteristics and … read more