Industry Links:

Arkansas Rice Growers Association
The mission of the association is to promote market development goals and government affairs goals for the benefit of Arkansas rice growers. The Arkansas Rice Growers Association is an organization of rice growers, for rice growers, run by rice growers. Find them at : Arkansas Rice Growers Association
Arkansas Row Crops
Division of Agriculture Research & Extension of the University of Arkansas System. Agriculture News, Industry Links and Events. Find them here: Arkansas Row Crops
USA Rice Millers Association
The USA Rice Millers’ Association is the national trade association of the U.S. rice milling industry. Founded in 1899, RMA is one of the oldest agribusiness trade organizations in America. RMA membership, which includes farmer-owned cooperatives and privately-owned mills, represents virtually all of U.S. rice milling capacity, with mill members in Arkansas, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Texas. RMA associate members include exporters, shippers and other businesses allied with the rice trade. Find them here: USA Rice Millers Association